The Importance Of Exercise For Weight Loss and How to Make Your Day More Active

It is well known that staying active is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but finding the time to exercise can be tough when you’re juggling work, family, house chores, social events and other commitments. It can feel like a real challenge to squeeze in exercise but it’s a vital part of a weight loss routine, especially when you’re using weight loss medications.

But here’s the good news: you don’t need to spend hours at the gym to get the benefits of exercise for weight loss. Even small changes can make a big difference and provide a major boost to your weight loss.

The key is to find activities you enjoy and/or make some easy changes in your routine. Now is the perfect time to build new patterns that will stay with you after your weight loss medication finishes.


Don't forget - your CheqUp prescription comes with free access to our expert team who can advise on topics including exercise, Mounjaro side effects, nutrition and generally act as a sounding board for your weight loss journey. Book your appointment today

Why exercise matters, especially when on weight loss medication

Not only does the exercise boost your weight loss but it provides a whole range of other benefits for your energy levels, sleep quality and mood. Let’s find out why!

  • Exercise boosts mood: exercise releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. These endorphins are vital when you’re on weight loss medication as we know Mounjaro side effects can be tough
  • Exercise improves sleep: physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. So not only are you getting the benefits of exercise for weight loss but you’re also recoupering better at night.
  • Exercise increases energy: regular activity can improve your overall energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue. Exercise can help to counter the energy-slump sometimes reported with weight loss medications 
  • Exercise strengthens muscles and bones: regular resistance training helps keep your muscles and bones strong. This is extra important for weight loss because muscle burns more calories than fat so every extra kg of muscle in your body will go to work burning calories for you. This is a great use of exercise for weight loss as it has a double-whammy effect!
  • Exercise supports weight loss: staying active helps burn calories and speed up your metabolism so regular activity or exercise will boost your weight loss.
Exercise releases endorphins which can help reduce stress and anxiety
Exercise releases endorphins which can help reduce stress and anxiety

Simple ways to increase exercise for weight loss -without going to the gym

  • Morning stretch: begin your morning with a gentle stretch to wake up your muscles. Not only is this a great exercise for weight loss, but it awakens your mind and body to set you up for the day

  • Stay active at work: if you’re sitting at a desk all day, take short breaks to do some chair exercises, stretch or walk around the office/home.

    • If you’re in an office, take the long way to the meeting rooms, kitchens, toilets or a colleague’s desk - you’ll be amazed how many extra steps you can sneak in.

    • If you’re working at home, set a timer to remind you to get up every 40 minutes. Walk up and down the garden, grab some hand weights or simply climb the stairs a couple of times every hour

  • Lunchtime walk: break up your day and go for a walk after having your meal. It keeps you active and helps to regulate your blood glucose levels. Walking is one of the best ways to boost your calorie burn and you’ll be exercising without even realising it. Your mind will also thank you for the mental break and the reset for the afternoon.

  • Walk or cycle to work if possible. If you take public transport, try getting off a stop early and walking the rest of the way.

  • Household chores: cleaning the house, gardening, or washing the car can be great ways to stay active. Put on some music, involve the kids and make it fun! You’d be amazed how much ‘exercise’ there is in these household chores and you’ll be boosting your weight loss without even realising it.

  • Social and active: invite a friend to join you for a walk, run, or workout class. Exercising with a buddy can be motivating and more enjoyable. Plus, if it’s in the diary and you’ve committed to somebody else, you’re more likely to go

  • Use fitness apps and videos: there are plenty of free fitness apps and online workout videos that can guide you through different exercise for weight loss, like yoga, HIIT, body weight training. We love these because you do them in your home home whenever suits you best. No gym membership required!

  • Track your steps: aim for a specific number of steps each day that’s realistic for you. As you get used to it, increase the number. Seeing your progress can be incredibly motivating!

  • Walk the dog: explore new routes or visit local parks and extend your usual walk by an extra 10-15 minutes. Your dog will love it, and so will your body. As we mentioned above, walking is one of the best ways to exercise for weight loss.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator: it’s a simple change that adds up over time. If you’re not used to taking the stairs, start with one or two flights and gradually increase as you get fitter.

  • Do calf raises while brushing your teeth: since you brush your teeth at least twice a day, it’s a great way to incorporate a little extra activity into your routine without even thinking about it.

  • Find a sport you have fun doing: do you remember any sports or activities you enjoyed as a child? Did you love swimming, cycling, or playing soccer? Revisit those activities and see if they still spark joy.

  • Group classes: dive into the energy of group fitness classes like Zumba, spin, or aerobics. The social atmosphere can be incredibly motivating and a lot of fun. Before you know it, you’ll be burning those calories and filling your body with endorphins.

Walking is one of the best ways to incorporate exercise for weight loss
Walking is one of the best ways to incorporate exercise for weight loss

There are so many ways to sneak in exercise for weight loss into your day. Remember, Every Bit Counts!

Our expert team is here to help. It's FREE with your CheqUp prescription

Don't forget - your CheqUp prescription comes with free access to our expert team who can advise on topics including exercise, Mounjaro side effects, nutrition and generally act as a sounding board for your weight loss journey. 

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Published: 28th June 2024