What to expect from your CheqUp Health Coaching call

Our Health Coaches are at the heart of our business. Here's what you can expect from your calls and how it can help achieve your weight loss goals.

CheqUp Health Coach Team
CheqUp Health Coach Team

A Non-Judgmental and Supportive Space

First and foremost, your health coaching call with CheqUp is a safe, non-judgmental space. Our coaches are trained to listen with empathy and understanding. We know that everyone's journey is unique, and we are here to support you, not to criticise. You can speak openly about your experiences, challenges, and feelings without fear of being judged.

Understanding Your Weight History

One of the first topics your CheqUp Health Coach will discuss is your history with weight. This conversation might include questions about when you first became concerned about your weight, any significant changes over time, and how your weight has impacted your life. Understanding your weight history helps your coach tailor the support and advice to your specific needs and circumstances.

Discussing Past Attempts to Lose Weight

Your CheqUp Health Coach will ask about your past attempts to lose weight. Have you tried diets, exercise programs, or other methods? What worked for you, and what didn’t? This discussion isn't about focusing on past "failures" but rather about understanding what strategies you've tried and how your body responds to different approaches. This insight helps your coach identify what might work best for you moving forward.

Exploring Your Relationship with Food

A crucial part of sustainable weight loss is understanding your relationship with food. Your coach will ask about your eating habits, triggers for overeating, and how emotions influence your food choices. How many meals do you have per day? Do you eat when you're stressed, bored, or happy? Are there specific foods you crave or avoid? By exploring these patterns, your CheqUp Health Coach can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, moving from restrictive dieting to balanced, mindful eating.

Assessing Your Routine and Lifestyle

Your daily routine plays a significant role in your weight loss journey. Your CheqUp Health Coach will ask about your typical day: What does your morning routine look like? How often do you eat out? Do you work from home? How active are you in your day-to-day life? How’s your stress levels? How much and do you sleep each day? Understanding your routine helps your CheqUp Health Coach suggest realistic changes that fit seamlessly into your life, making it easier for you to stick to new habits.

Identifying Your Main Struggles

Every individual faces unique challenges in their weight loss journey. During your call, your CheqUp Health Coach will help you identify your main struggles. These could be anything from emotional eating, lack of time for exercise or cooking, to difficulties with portion control. By pinpointing these challenges, your coach can provide practical strategies to help you overcome them

Setting Realistic Goals and Creating a Plan

Once your CheqUp Health Coach has a comprehensive understanding of your history, challenges, and lifestyle, they will work with you to set realistic, achievable goals. Whether it's drinking more water, planning your meals ahead, including breakfast to your routine, adopting a regular exercise routine, or learning to manage stress, your coach will help you create a personalised plan. This plan will not only focus on achieving your weight loss goals but also on maintaining your progress and building a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Ongoing Support and Accountability

Regular follow-up calls will help you stay on track, celebrate your successes, and address any new challenges that arise. Your CheqUp Health Coach is your partner in this journey, offering encouragement and advice whenever you need it.

Remember; calls with your CheqUp Health Coach are included FREE with your monthly prescription.

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Published: 16th Sept 2024