Why You Need To Keep Eating While Using Weight Loss Injections

Our customers often tell us that they’re not hungry and are keen to lose weight quickly, so they eat less than they need to. Here we explain why it’s important to keep eating small portions of healthy food while using weight loss injections like Mounjaro, Wegovy or Rybelsus.

This is particularly important when using weight loss injections like Mounjaro, Wegovy or Rybelsus as our body isn’t telling us we’re hungry. While on these medications we need to work extra hard to fuel our body with the right substances and make good choices for meals and snacks.


Don't forget - your CheqUp prescription comes with free access to our expert team who can advise on topics including exercise, side effects, nutrition and generally act as a sounding board for your weight loss journey. Book your appointment today

Building long-term habits

One of the main benefits of weight loss injections like Mounjaro, Wegovy or Rybelsus is that they help to accelerate weight loss. But, they work best when combined with healthy lifestyle changes so that when you finish the medication you can maintain a healthy weight. While you’re on the medication this is the time to build new meal plans, identify the foods that spike your sugar level and generally understand more about healthy foods and healthy snacks. This will give you the best chance of maintaining a healthy weight after you’ve finished the weight loss injection

Metabolic Slowdown

One of the primary risks associated with severe calorie reduction is metabolic slowdown. When you drastically cut your calorie intake, your body enters a survival mode, slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy. This adaptation means that your body burns fewer calories at rest, making it harder to lose weight in the long run. Over time, this can lead to a frustrating cycle where you need to eat even less to see the same weight loss results, ultimately making sustained weight loss more challenging. This metabolic slowdown is one of the primary reasons why you need to keep eating while using weight loss injections.

Muscle Loss

Another concern with severe calorie reduction is the loss of muscle mass. This is particularly important when using Mounjaro, Wegovy or Rybelsus as these drugs can also decrease muscle mass. When the body is deprived of adequate nutrition, it begins to break down muscle tissue for energy. This muscle loss can have several negative consequences. First, muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even at rest, so losing muscle can further slow your metabolism. Second, maintaining muscle mass is crucial for overall strength, endurance, and functionality, and losing muscle can lead to decreased physical performance and increased injury risk.

Gut Health

Our gut health is hugely important for weight loss. We need to fuel it with the right balance of healthy nutrients, and ingredients dense in probiotic qualities. If your gut is moving regularly you’ll begin to flush your system more regularly which will boost your metabolism and aid your weight loss. 

Gut health plays a vital role in metabolism, sleep quality and immunity
Gut health plays a vital role in metabolism, sleep quality and immunity

Nutrient Deficiencies, Sleep Quality and Cold

Not getting enough calories can also lead to nutrient deficiencies, as you're not consuming enough vitamins and minerals essential for your body's functions. This affects the quality of our sleep, our energy levels and our body temperature. We also know that side effects from weight loss medications can exacerbate some of these symptoms so it’s especially important to fuel your body with the right nutrients when you do eat and keep eating while using weight loss injections.

Healthier Alternatives

When you do plan a meal or a snack, consider a balanced diet rich in whole foods—such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Focusing on portion control, mindful eating, and regular exercise can help create a calorie deficit without the negative side effects associated with severe reduction.

Moreover, making sure that you get adequate hydration, sufficient sleep, and stress management can support your weight loss efforts. These are also key factors in reducing the side effects from weight loss injections.

Hydration is vital when using weight loss injections
Hydration is vital when using weight loss injections

Remember, you need to keep eating while using weight loss injections

Severely reducing your calorie intake will actually hamper your weight loss efforts. You need to keep eating while using weight loss injections.

We can advise on healthy meal planning and how to balance your meals and snacks so that you’re building these long-term habits now. 

Our expert team is here to help. It's FREE with your CheqUp prescription

Don't forget - your CheqUp prescription comes with free access to our expert team who can advise on topics including exercise, Mounjaro side effects, nutrition and generally act as a sounding board for your weight loss journey. 

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Published: 28th June 2024